Sunday, March 17, 2013

Embeding long tables in plain HTML, using Libre Office

When using plain HTML for design of web pages, and there aren't any WYSIWG editors, and there is an inevitable requirement to embed tables into the HTML file, the <table> tag is quite handy.

<table border="1">
<td><b>Favourite character</b></td>
<td>The Matrix</td>
<td>The Lord of the Ring</td>
<td>V for Vendetta</td>

Will result in

For a table with couple of entries and default options, this syntax follows, and is adequate.

But, when one has to embed a longer table, with many more rows and columns and don't ask me why! Just in case, you find yourself in such a state that you have a complete table existing already in your document or spreadsheet and you do not have the patience or the in-aptitude to type out all of it using the syntax shown above, Libre Office (or even Open Office) comes to rescue!

Copy the entire table that you want to embed in a HTML file, and paste it into a new HTML document that you can create from the Libre Office prompt. Once you are done formatting your new table in a Libre Office HTML file, save it as a .html file.

All you now have to do is, locate the new .html file you created using Libre Office and open it with your favourite text editor!

It is a HTML file now with all the taggings done for your table, which otherwise would have taken painstaking hours of labour to reach that form! Copy-Paste the HTML code into your webpage that you started off wanting to embed a table.
It's ready!

Libre, set me literally free this time!

Happy hacking!
PS: Of course there might be better methods to accomplish this, if you do have one please post it as a comment :) 

1 comment:

  1. 陽萎的典型症狀和分型.
    报道:2012年,據世界衛生組織(WHO)權威數據壯陽藥 壯陽藥品 犀利士 威而鋼 威而鋼專賣店 犀利士 犀利士 壯陽藥品 壯陽藥顯示,全球每年身患性功能障礙的男性有4000萬人,中國每年新增患者800萬人,佔全世界性功能障礙患者人數的20%,也就是說中國平均每天有兩萬多人有性功能障礙樂威壯
    其實陽痿也分很多種,不同的陽痿症狀威而鋼哪裡買 犀利士哪裡買 壯陽藥品 壯陽藥 威而鋼哪裡買 犀利士專賣 威而鋼 威而鋼哪裡買 威而鋼專賣店 威而鋼藥局的治療方法也不同,所以說當發現自己有陽痿症狀時,應儘早去醫院進行治療。 那麼,下面就由我們專家給大家分析一下這個陽痿到底有哪幾種類型?
    一、 輕度陽萎 :對性慾要求基本正常;房事中陰莖勃起有時出現不能持續的現象;也有時會出現不能順利插入陰道的情況;勃起的角度可達到90°;但硬度不夠理想;
    二、 中度陽萎 :對性慾要求減弱;刺激性敏感區時出現陰莖勃起減 慢;陰莖在房事時不能順利地置人陰道,勃起角度尚達不到90°,硬度極差;性交頻率犀利士 犀利士專賣 犀利士哪裡買 犀利士5mg價格 壯陽藥品 犀利士專賣 威而鋼 壯陽藥 威而鋼專賣店 犀利士哪裡買明顯減少;
    三、 重度陽萎 :對性慾要求消失,無論刺激性敏感區或是接受異性性刺激,陰莖都沒有勃起反應;房事無陰莖勃起現象,完全不能置入陰道而進行性交;無勃起角度和硬度。
